Health is a priceless value that should be taken care of. Bad eating habits, lack of regular physical activity and lack of care for healthy sleep and optimal regeneration will disrupt the functioning of the body and contribute to the development of civilization diseases. How to take care of your physical and mental health? Learn some of the most important rules of a healthy lifestyle.
Lifestyle Health Risk Factors
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of health is considered in several aspects. Health is a state of total physical, mental and social well-being. Taking care of mental and physical health is based on conducting appropriate pro-health prophylaxis to keep the body and psyche in good condition.
Lifestyle diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes contribute to a decrease in the quality of life, while heart and blood vessel diseases and cancer are a global problem and account for the highest percentage of deaths. Environmental contamination – pollution of air, water and land – is also important for the incidence of diseases.
Factors influencing health maintenance
Metabolic factors are primarily excessive body weight, i.e. obesity or overweight. Other diseases that are included in the so-called metabolic syndrome include: type 2 diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis of blood vessels and lipid disorders. Environmental factors are nothing more than environmental pollution and increased exposure to heavy metals, such as exhaust fumes, which burden the respiratory system.
Behavioural factors, i.e. a healthy lifestyle, which should be understood as the totality of features and choices made in everyday life, have the greatest impact on maintaining health. Poor eating habits, low physical activity, smoking, excessive drinking, sleep problems and chronic stress increase the risk of premature death or disability (DALYs – Disability Adjusted Life Years).
When designing activities aimed at lifestyle modification, it is necessary to take into account all the differences between individual social groups, e.g. socio-economic position, level of education and access to reliable information. The message should include recommendations on how to take care of yourself, how to relax skillfully and publicize that regular physical exercise has a positive effect on well-being, heart function, blood pressure and the functioning of the entire body. Regular preventive examinations are also important, blood tests, breast ultrasound, prostate gland (prostate), gynaecological ultrasound. An ECG of the heart and measurement of blood pressure will make it possible to detect cardiovascular disease.
How to take care of your health – the role of diet
The introduction of healthy lifestyle principles is about everyday choices that will serve our body. One of these elements is balanced nutrition. The diet should provide all the necessary nutrients in relation to the needs. Proper digestion and absorption of nutrients is a sign of good digestive system health. In order to support the functioning of our intestines, it is necessary to eat regular meals, take care of the supply of vegetables and fruits, which are a source of valuable dietary fiber. It is worth mentioning that you should give up stimulants such as alcohol or smoking, which burden the cardiovascular system and contribute to the formation of cancer. You should also avoid processed foods, fast foods, and sugary sodas, which provide excessive calories. In order to maintain proper body weight, the calorific value of the daily menu must correspond to the total metabolism. To calculate the calorie content of your diet, you can use an online calorie calculator.
Physical activity as a condition for maintaining health
The role of physical activity is an unquestionable element of a healthy lifestyle. Regular moderate-intensity workouts will not only improve your quality of life, but also extend your lifespan. Exercise is a very strong weapon in the fight against metabolic diseases, it reduces the risk of overweight and obesity, type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. Physical activity is often a prerequisite for maintaining a healthy body weight.
Not everyone is also aware that, for example, relaxation exercises have a positive effect on mental health and perfectly relieve tension caused by stress. People who live under pressure and cannot cope with problems should seek help from a specialist psychiatrist or psychologist. Stress can cause neurosis, disrupt digestive processes, cause indigestion and even stomach ulcers. It is good to do regular breathing exercises, take deep breaths that will help you relax. Don’t take your work home, take care of your relationships with your loved ones.
According to the WHO recommendations, physical activity that will have a beneficial effect on health for the 18-64 age group is at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity training or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Assuming that a single activity lasts no less than 10 minutes. It is also recommended to use resistance training, strengthening the muscles at least twice a week, to eliminate posture defects and sleep disorders. Training also strengthens immunity and allows you to enjoy good health for a long time. During the activity, remember to hydrate your body and drink enough fluids.
Proper regeneration and healthy sleep are also important. Try to avoid late, hearty dinners so as not to overload the digestive system at night. It is good to eat the last meal no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Around 9:00-10:00 p.m., it is a good idea to limit exposure to blue light emitted by TV, computer or smartphone screens, thanks to which it will be easier for us to fall asleep. Before going to bed, avoid stress, take your phone offline. It’s okay to read a few pages of a book you like, which helps some people fall asleep quickly. You should take care of your sleep hygiene, sleep in a well-ventilated, quiet and completely darkened room.